Lovisolo & Partners Lawyers

Law Firm in Genoa, Italy, Via Roma 3

Lovisolo & Partners Lawyers

Law Firm in Genoa, Italy, Via Roma 3


Lovisolo & Partners Lawyers

The Firm was founded in January 2001 by Prof. Avv. Antonio Lovisolo who, after thirty years in a world famous legal tax firm and important results in various Universities in Italy, specialized in Tax Law, decided to open his own office in Via Roma 3, Genova, where he went with collaborators who joint him in the new project.

Following this tradition, born in one of the most prestigiuos law traditions, Lovisolo & Partners has continiues to offer its services in the growing legal market.

During its development, the Law Firm has connected the traditional capicities to the innovations through the arrival of other experts in diverse fields from the orginal tax speciality. This allows the Firm to offer assistance to the Clients in various subjects according to their needs.


Our Professionals

Antonio Lovisolo Prof. Law.

Antonio Lovisolo took his Hons. Degree in 1970 at the University of Genova discussing his thesis in Tax Law under Prof. Victor Uckmar.

In the academic year 1970/1971, Antonio Lovisolo entered and became part of the Institute di Science Economiche e Diritto Finanziario (Instute of Economic Science and Tax Law) directed by prof. Uckmar. In 1971, Antonio Lovisolo won a scholarship for young neo-laureates from the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (Education Ministry). He received a contract for 4 years with the Chair of Economic Science and Tax Law in the Faculty of Law of Genova University, becoming finally a researcher.

Alessandra Piccardo Lawyer

Alessandra Piccardo took her Hons. Law degree in the University of Genova with her thesis in Tax Law "La riforma del Processo Tributario" (The reform in Fiscal proceedings) in 1992 and was called to the Bar of Genova in 1996.

After taking her degree she has dedicated her time to research, specializing in Tax Law through continual study and contacts with University Professors and experts in the field.

Andrea Lovisolo Lawyer

Andrea Lovisolo graduated from the Istituto Vittorino da Feltre in Genova going on to take his Hons. Law Degree at the University of Genova in 1999, with the publication of his thesis “La nozione di impresa nel diritto della concorrenza”, (The concept of company in the competition field).

He began working in 1999 specializing in Competition, Company and Civil Law both in judicial and extrajudicial fields.

He was called to the Bar in Genova in 2002.

In December 2006 he joined the firm Lovisolo & Partners.

Elisabetta Duò Lawyer

Elisabetta Duò graduated, with maximum marks, from the Liceo Ginnasio statale Andrea D'Oria. She received her Hons. Degree from the University of Genova with her thesis in Civil Law “L'informazione precontrattuale tra codice civile e leggi speciali” (Pre-contractual information in the Civil Law and special laws), which was published.
Immediately after her degree she worked for a well know legal firm in Genova developing her skills mainly in Civil Law, Commercial Law and in European Community Law.

Andrea Giolo Lawyer

In 2006, Andrea Giolo graduated in Law at the University of Genoa defending a graduation thesis in Taxation Law entitled "Elusione fiscale: profili generali", being supervisor Professor Antonio Lovisolo.

Afterwards, he started his collaboration at Lovisolo & Partners Lawyers in Genoa, working up his knowledges in the Taxation Law and Civil Laws areas, in particular reference to tax avoidance and tax regulation of local Authorities.

Since 2006, he collaborates at the Genoa University of Law as connoisseur of Tax Law, making exercises and holding university lectures and speeches at the Tax Law Master, organized by Genoa University of Law.

Federico Bertocchi Lawyer

Federico Bertocchi, in 2014, graduated from the Genoese high school “Marin Luther King”.

In October 2019, he graduated in Law with honors from the University of Genoa, discussing a thesis in International Tax Law, entitled “The residency in the international conventions against double imposition”; supervisor: Prof. Avv. Antonio Lovisolo.

Avv- Gherardo Crucitti

Gherardo Crucitti Lawyer

Gherardo Crucitti graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Genoa in 2000 and obtained the qualification to practice law in 2003.

During his professional activity he has developed extensive skills in civil law with particular reference to public services law (electricity and gas), commercial law, insolvency and bankruptcy law, banking law, debt collection, securities law and real estate and in general to the subject of civil liability with particular reference to liability actions brought against directors and auditors of individual and joint-stock companies (private and/or publicly held) and to environmental law with particular reference to compensation for environmental damage , making these skills available to the most important national companies, both in judicial and extrajudicial disputes (arbitrations), operating in particular in the public services sector.

Simona Valean CA

Simona Valean was born in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 14th Aprile1968.

She studied in the Natural Science Liceo in Cluj, where she received a High school diploma in scientific subjects.

She took her degree in Economics in Cluj in 1993.





Event Information:

  • Wed

    Orientamenti giurisprudenziali delle Corti di Giustizia Tributaria della Liguria – Ordine degli Avvocati di Genova, Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Genova e Associazione Magistrati Tributari

    Sede dell’Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Genova