Dott. Simona Valean (Chartered Accountant)


Simona Valean was born in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 14th Aprile1968.

She studied in the Natural Science Liceo in Cluj, where she received a High school diploma in scientific subjects.

She took her degree in Economics in Cluj in 1993.

She took a further First Class degree in the Faculty di Economics in Torino in 2000, with (105/110) discussing the thesis on "La tassazione del reddito d'impresa in Romania: Profili comparati" (Company income Tax in Rumania: comparison between Rumania and Italy) under the wing of Prof. Avv. Antonio Lovisolo.

She began working in a Tax Office in Turin in April 2000 and in January 2001 she joined Lovisolo & Partners.

Simona Valean became a member of the Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti of Siena, (Chartered Accountants) in October 2003.

Languages: Italian, Rumanian, English, French, Hungarian & German.


Notes on sentences and comments

  1. "Italy - Romania Tax Treaty: the Romanian Perspective" in Le Convenzioni dell'Italia in materia di imposte su reddito e patrimonio, (Comparative and International Taxation, gennaio 2001, EGEA).

Dott. Simona Valean

(Chartered Accountant)