Andrea Lovisolo Lawyer


Andrea Lovisolo graduated from the Istituto Vittorino da Feltre in Genova going on to take his Hons. Law Degree at the University of Genova in 1999, with the publication of his thesis “La nozione di impresa nel diritto della concorrenza”, (The concept of company in the competition field).

He began working in 1999 specializing in Competition, Company and Civil Law both in judicial and extrajudicial fields.

He was called to the Bar in Genova in 2002.

In December 2006 he joined the firm Lovisolo & Partners.

He is specialized in Competition Law, Transport Law, Industrial Law especially Trade Marks and Patents, Banking Law, Contracts: Private and Commercial, and Bankruptcy Law.

Andrea Lovisolo acts for important companies operating in the Finance field and is the consultant for National and International Transport companies.

In 2006 / 2007, Andrea Lovisolo did a post-graduate course receiving a further degree (Master di I livello) in Tax Law from the University of Genova.

Since 2006 Andrea Lovisolo has expanded his professional competence to the field of tax law, however, without neglecting his original legal background or that of civil law.

In 2009 / 2010, Andrea Lovisolo partecipated in a highly specialized training course entitled “Profili normativi del credito al consumo, aspetti giuridici ed etici” (Law regarding consumer credit, giuridical and ethical aspects) organized by the Unione Finanziarie Italiane (one of the most important associations in consumer credit matters) in collaboration with Pontificia Università Lateranense in Rome.

Andrea Lovisolo mainly deals with litigation in tax matters and carries out consultancy activities in tax and civil matters in favor of Italian and EU companies.

In 2018 / 2019 he was Chairman of the Subcommittee in the context of the exams to the Bar at the Court of Appeal of Genoa.

He usually works as a speaker at conferences and professional training courses.

Since 2021 he has been a member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific journal “Diritto e Pratica Tributaria” directed by Prof. Cesare Glendi and founded by Antonio and Victor Uckmar.

Languages: Italian & English


Notes on sentences and comments

  1. I rapporti processuali tra Agenzia delle Entrate e Agenzia delle Entrate – Riscossione in “L’esecuzione forzata tributaria” a cura di Cesare Glendi e Antonio Guidara, Wolters Kluwer, Milano, 2024
  2. Articoli 33 e 34 D.Lgs. 546/92 in “Commentario breve alle leggi del processo tributario”, Consolo – Glendi, Cedam, Padova, 2023

Andrea Lovisolo Lawyer